Information for business partners and visitors website about the processing of personal data (GDPR)

FGH plus, s.r.o., hereby informs you in accordance with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., as amended, on the processing and storage of personal data related to you as our business partner.

If we process personal information about you as our business partner, then these data are solely related to statutory agents or employees with whom we communicate as part of our business relationship.

The legitimate interest of us is the realization of the trade (sale of products, purchase of materials and services). In fulfilling our legitimate interest, we first come up with data published in registers and databases and your website or promotional materials, and then only from the data that your employees provided us for contact – only for supplier-customer relationships.

The above data, which have the features of personal data (phone number, e-mail address of a specific employee or statutory representative), are used only in the course of business relations with you and we do not provide them to third parties.

The above data are processed both in electronic form in POHODA economic software in the database of business partners, in Outlook Internet mail and in a special database “business partners” and on paper (commercial documentation).

Only business executives and authorized employees have access to these data and documents.

Business correspondence, which includes personal data of employees or statutory representatives of business partners, is usually archived for two to three years, then they are destroyed. Personal information is only a private phone number or private email address.

If your employees have provided us with such personal information in the course of the business cooperation, we believe that we can use it. Otherwise, please, inform us to delete it from our databases.